
Welcome to the Office of Faculty Relations


Welcome to the Office of Faculty Relations. We provide advice and specialized expertise to support excellence in teaching, research, and service at 果酱视频 University. We work collaboratively with the university community to facilitate and promote positive relationships among academic staff members, their representatives and university administrators.

Staff in our office negotiate and administer academic collective agreements on behalf of the university. We are the primary point of communication with MUNFA, LUMUN and TAUMUN. We take an active role in education and training for those responsible for the administration of academic staff collective agreements that come under the mandate of the Office of Faculty Relations.

Additional services provided by our office include:

  • advice and guidance regarding the administration of collective agreements with academic staff;
  • advice and guidance on appointment, renewal, tenure and promotion processes;
  • assistance to academic administrators on employment related matters pertaining to academic staff;
  • assisting with new faculty orientation;
  • advice and guidance on immigration; and
  • administration of faculty compensation.

